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Tuesday, 27 May 2014

Just a thought on love

There's this marvellous thing we call love, a feeling really. however a dangerous emotion because its the most powerful of all. You see I've recently discovered the wonder of this feeling. After so many years of having it tainted, wisted and warped, i had a disfigured view on it, and then, he came along, yes, He came along. he was like no other i had seen before and just like that. It was as if he saw right through my bullshit and made all the voices inside my head just just up. I was hooked. He became the only drug i needed, and then he became my springboard, my inspiration, my muse. and then for the first time, i was open to this world i never knew existed.

As simple as that. he took me and he turned my world the right way round and i fought the truth for a while but he didn't just change me, he changed the people around me, and that's when i knew, and  wouldn't dare admit it to him, but that's when i knew, there is no use fighting it. when you love somebody, it changes you, suddenly it isn't just you, its us, and we.

He was a new planet, undiscovered and the first of his kind and i was drawn t him like a piece of space debris drawn into his orbit and then all of a sudden i was alive. so yes,i am doing the sappy Love post's of late but only because i wish everyone to find something as beautiful as this.

And I really do believe its out there for all of us. so stay strong puppies, age is but a number, you could be nineteen or a hundred and nine when you meet that special someone, but trust me. when you meet them, and you love them, each moment, no matter how small, become a lifetime of something magical. and i urge you to go for the person who looks at you like your magic, because if you can see it in his eye's he really does see the magic inside of you, and that's what we're all after is it not? someone to see the magic inside us all.

Stay golden
Mystique xxxx

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